Sunday, May 11, 2008


maaaaaaaaannnn... i got my second tattoo last night... i know that was soon but my first healed up with no problems, didn't really hurt so i was ready. THIS may REALLY be my LAST ONE! i got it on my foot.... never again. i am still in pain. torture...
but it is very cute... see





Chris said...

It is fly...but it looks like it hurt...a brand new amazing type of hurt...

Nina said...

very very cute! love the colors but ummm...time will tell if this is your

Janelle said...

cute polish girl! oh yeah the tat is banging right in time for summer. you gotta come out here to cali to show it off at the beach sometime!

Keli said...

Very cute! Your tattoo confirms my idea that I really want one... but I'm too chicken :(