Sunday, May 04, 2008

just another day

i am going to refrain from blogging about the arteest right here because i have to get my thoughts together about the latest nonsensical thing that happened. i really don't even know what to say other than i am part annoyed and part amused.... that is suuuuuuch a weird combination of feelings that i can't even say anything else about it for now.


Ironman was GREAT!!! I loved it! such a good adaptation of the comic.


I went to Six Flags Great Adventure yesterday. it was cold and cloudy so not a lot of people in the park. I went on every roller coaster! I loved it! my faves... El Toro and Kingda Ka... craziness! good fun... can't wait to go back.


Nina said...

El Toro is hardcore!

Jon Content said...

I've yet to see Ironman looks dope im just tired of seeing T. Howard in everything.

And Six Flags will always be dope. Batman and Superman are by far the dopest up this way..

Anonymous said...

What the hell did the Arteest do this time? I cram2understand!!!

The Arteests personal assistant....