Friday, June 13, 2008

R. Kelly... acquitted??

i mean... i saw part of the tape... and the part i saw looked like the r-ah. but according to his jury of peers, it wasn't him. kels was always sticking to his story like shaggy... it wasn't me. "But i seent (yes seent) you nukka!!" "IT WASN'T ME!!"
i guess ia m not surprised he got acquitted... the alleged victim and 3 of her family members said it wasn't her... even though 4 of her family members said it was...

here is the story...

i can't wait for the boondock episode about this here...
for those of you that never say the boondocks take on the trial...


Chris said...

You are a nut...

E.Knight said...

if the victim won't admit to being victimized ain't too much they can do