Monday, June 23, 2008

i need sleep

so... i'm kind of a jerk. but before i get to that, let me talk about the weekend events...

friday night, i went over pink shoes/scrabble girl's house... i made salsa (which was delicious btw) and we ate tacos and drank beer and shots of patron... good times.

saturday... OMG...
my day started at 6 am when i woke up to get ready to see my cousin compete in a triatholon. his age group started at 8:07 and he finished at approx 10. swim 2 miles, bike 15 miles, then run 5k (approx 3.5 miles). I am so proud of him. so i was all inspired when i was there like "YEAH i'm training and i'm gonna do it with you next year"... then i realized i really don't swim that well. and i wouldn't even know where to begin as far as training goes. i might look into it though because i am thinking that will be a great way to get in shape.
ok after the triatholon, i went to a music conference from 11:30 -3 and that was an excellent workshop. it was at my church for those of us in the music ministry and i did take a lot from it.
AND my lil sis had her baby... a lil boy she named Israel and he was 6 lbs 5 oz of joy. a sweet lil baby. i am so excited for her and nervous for her at the same time.

sunday: went to church and came home... i really tried to go back to the hospital to visit lil sis but i couldn't. i was so exhausted.
but now onto why i am a jerk

so for those of you that haven't figured it out yet.... new crush is chris. we literally talk ALL THE TIME. like for hours and i love him... he is great. so we have talked about a lot of the things we have been through in prev relationships and i know he has had people tell him things that they didn't seem to mean or that they didn't back up with their actions... you know the same stuff we all go through. so i wanted to do something special for him and since we email and talk on the phone all the time, i decided to write him a letter. i think that i more personal and i knew he would appreciate it which he does. so he showed it to one of his good friends and i kind of got upset. i'm not even really sure why i got so upset. but i feel terrible about being upset now. it really isn't that serious. i thought i felt like blogging about it but now i realize i really don't so i am gonna stop here.

maybe more later

1 comment:

Chris said...

There is no reason to be upset; I really's ok.