Wednesday, February 18, 2009


so i have a lot of siblings... 6 younger and 1 older half sibling to be exact. my older half sis didn't live with us til i was a pre-teen and she was gone a few years later, so I pretty much have an eldest child mentality. with that being said, i am so thoroughly annoyed with one of my younger sibs.... correction... i am annoyed with all of my younger sibs but for different reasons.

lets start with claw... claw is my oldest younger sibling at the ripe old age of 25. I am extremely proud of her because she is currently purchasing her first home. However, i am *smh* at her because she is still in a waaaaaaaaaaack relationship... and she only has one semester left of school and still hasn't finished. i think she is like 12 credits shy of a degree.

sister #2... lets call her lexus. lexus is 22 will be 23 in may. Now she did finish school and is working in her field. making a way for herself. BUT, i am *smh* at her because she is obsessive over her bd. like stalks his cell phone, facebook, myspace. it is seriously unhealthy. i feel sorry for the dude... like can he live? can he breathe? it's bizarre.

sister #3... this one we'll call hood. now hood is exactly that. hood-riffic. It's so funny because i can't understand how we grew up in the same household. i mean, we did grow up in the hood, but we weren't raised to be hoodrats... anyway, hood is 21 will be 22 in oct. (yeah, my parents were getting their freak on). Hood is 21 and does not have a resume. how is that acceptable? i don't understand... no seriously... i don't understand. how can a sister of mine, of working age, with all her mental capabilities intact, who is literate, not have a resume. I mean, i can see having a resume that needs some work... but to not have one at all... are you serious? so i told her to get her arse on word and use resume wizard... takes all the thinking out of it. this chick had 85 million excuses as to why she couldn't or wouldn't. uhg.

my 1 brother is 18. he will also be 19 in may... actually on the same day as lexus. weird i know. but anyway, he is retarded. he is 19 and still in high school. I mean he is only a year behind but he is in danger of failing again. why? is he slow? is he retarded? dyslexic? perceptually impaired? cognitively challenged? no! none of the above! he is just lazy... lazy to the point that i want to kick him in his arse. the only thing he gets enthused about is food, cars, and video games. so cars have been his passion since he was a baby. literally, at 2, this lil nig could tell you the make and model of every car that went past. and now, he can identify any car by the engine... how do i know this? chris showed him pics of engines and he was likeoh that a such and such. wtf? you are obviously not retarded. so what is the problem? uhhg!

my other two younger siblings are 10 and 7 (i think) HA! they are angels. i'm not shaking my head at them at all... they are the only hope besides myself for my family! LOL!

anyway, i had to vent. they p-ss me off with their foolishness. especially since there is no excuse. we grew up in a two parent household with lots of love even if there wasn't lots of money. We were taught better. Was I the only one present for the lessons? I don't understand it. I try to talk to them. I really do. I just found out last year, that they apparently value my opinion. Lexus told me last that she was preggers because she thought i would be disappointed in her. hood, said she looks at me like a second mom. i am always there for them. but when i tell them they are being retarded jerk-faces, they don't listen. i gotta pray....

**nina i think this requires a wooosah for real! LOL!


Nina said...



Young woman on a journey said...

lol. sounds like a lot going on! they'll find their way though.

Chris said...

I mean, honestly, it's like they all have similar traits...even similar to you, but they are missing like one key thing that would make them be better people...and that is the thing that gets me...

Anonymous said...

It may take YEARS but they will hear you......and I'm not mad at being passed over as the Realtor of choice AGAIN!!! THanks black people....thanks a whole effin lot!!!!