Sunday, December 07, 2008

i promise i am not bi-polar...

But I do feel much better... we talked about it and I choose to forgive and move on. I did however, start thinking about different type of women and why some are so willing to settle for whatever they can get. I have at least one friend that could fit in every category i am about to talk about. and believe me, I am not jusging necessarily... just curious as to what makes these hoes tick. lol

seriously though. the first group i want to talk about are the emotionally competitive folk. these are the chicks that are not interested in a dude until he is interested in someone else. is it the "want what you can't have" syndrome? this is pretty annoying... i mean, if someone is trying to date you, talk to you, whatever, and you are blowing them off, making plans and flaking, etc., why do you think that person would continue to pursue you. the chase is only fun for a while then it gets old. now i call these people emotionally competitive because as soon as the dude starts showing interest in someone else, all of a sudden, they want to start calling and asking for kisses and shit. that is retarded. it would be one thing if you actually liked the dude but if you are just trying to throw him some play because his affection is elsewhere, that is selfish and ridiculous. how little you must think of yourself if you need someone else's interest to make you feel good. even if you are not interested back. this type of title can also be extended to the girls that wants everyone in the room to want them. this is the chick that is cool as hell until a penis walks into the room and then they turn into a seductress. I do have a friend that does not like any dudes until someone else in our group shows interest first. then she makes it a point to try to get with the dude first whether she really likes them or not. that is crazy to me. she even went so far as asking my ex-fiancee, while we were still together, if he wanted to sleep with her. she just needed the satisfaction of knowing everyone in the room wanted to screw her. that is weird. and yes i did check her on that. what i want to say to this type of woman is: Learn to validate yourself. Don't depend on men's attention to make you feel like you are pretty or desirable. know that ish in your head. If you think you are hot, everyone else will too. and there won't be a need for you to act like a whore to get attention.


Tramps- these people, I have no patience for. tramps like to screw unavailable dudes, just to see if they can. again they are usually not even interested in the guy they are messing with. just want to see if they can. they get some sort of sick satisfaction out of knowing they got someone to cheat on the person they claim to love. they are the ones you hear saying, "well if she was all that, why he with me?". HE'S NOT WITH YOU... He is using you as much as you think you are using him. wake the hell up. getting someone to sleep with you does not make you special. it makes you easy and of low morals and a TRAMP!. I want to say to these chicks: Stop being #2. Please take a dollar and go buy yourself some self-esteem. know that you are worth more than just being someone's side jawn. want more for yourself... and for those of you that are saying, oh but it's just sex. stop lying to yourself... you can not just sleep with someone repeatedly and not become attached to them emotionally... which is how people end up being mistresses for years. and honestly if it was really just about sex, you can find sex from someone unattached so go fly a kite with that one.

To be continued...

OH btw, I love love love my new google phone! It is the bomb!