Wednesday, December 24, 2008

bah humbug

it's Christmas Eve and here I am, at work.... miserable. this place is absolute torture. I can not understand why people feel the need to call here and harass me over foolishness. For example, the customer I have on hold now wants a supervisor because we charged her for directory assistance. seriously. i'm like lady beat it. we have been charging for 411 for a long time and you are not getting a credit. she is retarded. it just irks me to my core to have to do this all day. and it has the nerve to be busy. like.... shouldn't people be out buying or wrapping gifts or something??

on another note, why are the meteorologists on the news so dang dramatic? this morning, i was watching the news and they were saying how there was a ice storm over night and all the roads are covered in black ice so if you don't have to leave the house, stay in. yeah well i decided to go to work anyway, and not only was there no ice, but i got to work faster than ever. granted there weren't a lot of people on the roads but still... way overly dramatic weather forecast this morning. I guess the northern part of the state was more affected than the southern...

there really is a lot on my mind right now... i just don't know where to begin and i don't want to offend anyone so i am gonna just sit with my thoughts a while. when i figure out how to say what i want to say, i'll update...