Wednesday, June 21, 2006

hump day indeed...

I need a roommate ASAP!!! like not now but RIGHT NOW... I actually signed up with to look for a roommate... I figure there has to be someone out there semi-normal that is in the same situation as me. I am scared I will end up with a stalker... argh... If I get this sales gig, I will be able to live by myself which is really what I want to do... my life sucks right now... it might be a wrap with lil short boy... he is too sometime-ish. sometimes he likes me and sometimes he is not beat. I don't have the temperament or the patience to deal with that bull so I am not calling him anymore. if he calls me, I'll let him know why...

bah humbug


G. Cornelius said...

RM...Never been a big fan of them at all...I have always lived by myself...But I understand why females look for roomies thoiugh...Well good luck...I'll keep you posted

Anonymous said...

it might not be that bad. my last roomate was cool as hell and we still hang out to this very day.

i HATE sometimey dudes. they should all just go somewhere and die lol. sometimey = not that into me.