Thursday, June 01, 2006

dating circus midgets

so I am dating this guy... and I like him... but he is weird. Maybe not weird but I don't get him. that might be a good thing since I pride myself and being able to figure dudes out and then proceed to have them strung out like dope fiends... but in his case, I am actually having fun trying to see where I fit in in his world. we are both extremely busy so that is good that he has a life and interests and hobbies. So I find myself a little bit beat. This was a semi-blind date/hook-up type deal. my homie dee has known dude since they were like 10 and she took a pic of me to him but I didn't see him b4 meeting him. but he is a cutie... might be a midget though! LOL! he is maybe 5'6" at the most and I am 5'2" so he is still taller than me but still a shrimp. anyway, the one HUGE downfall is that told me his last relationship ain't work out because he had gotten his ex-ex pregnant while with his ex... *cue drama music*
He said that when he first started dating his ex (we'll call her WQ for weave queen... not hating but I know her through someone else and she is the official weave-a-nista... they be tight though) he was still dealing with his previous ex (we'll call her PC for Philly clucker... yes I am hating this time... LOL). He said him and PC had an arrangement that they were not together but they were still friends with benefits... so once things started to get serious with WQ he told PC he wasn't gonna be seeing her anymore and she went off on him and was basically like no she ain't having it. well lo and behold WQ starts popping up at his church and other various places and calling his phone at all hours of the night and all that crazy stalkerish type behavior. So he changed his cell number and that apparently made her even more crazy and he finally told WQ what was going on with PC. so WQ said she understood and it wasn't a big deal because they weren't serious at first and blah blah blah... so anyway a few months go by and he hears through the grapevine that PC is going around saying she is pregnant and it is his so he said he didn't believe her and he called her to meet because he said he hadn't been with her in so long if she was pregnant by him she would have to be showing by that time. He went to see her and she was showing with a lil belly and was about 4 or 5 months pregnant at this time. he acknowledged it could have been his and gave WQ the news... WQ said she would stand by him and she believed him. Anyway everyone is going on with their lives and waiting for the baby to be born to see if it really is his or not when he gets a call from one of his boys saying that PC is no longer pregnant. again he wass not believing that and was thinking she was playing games so he calls her again and arranges to see her and she wasn't pregnant anymore and she told him that she lost it... so he said he had gotten used to the idea of possibly being a father and was actually starting to get excited so when he got the news that she wasn't pregnant anymore he wasn't sure how to react. like he was partly relieved but he couldn't explain why he felt a sense of loss. he said he didn't tell WQ right away because he wanted to get his own thoughts and feelings together first but somehow she found out and confronted him. He told WQ that it was true PC was no longer pregnant and he said she cursed him out and said he is a liar and she was breaking up with him for not telling her.
Now what I don't understand is why break up after she lost the baby. If you gonna leave, you should've left when he first told you she was knocked up.
anyway, I know what you are thinking, why would I continue to talk to him knowing all that... I have a few reasons:
1) I am not gonna judge him on that or hold it against him because we all have our skeletons. I have some stuff in my past that I know if people knew they would hold it against me and I am not that same person anymore... I used to cheat and now I don't because it is not worth all the drama.

2) He didn't have to tell me that because even though I know the ex WQ, we are not anything resembling friendly and chances are I never would have found out... ok I am lying I knew b4 he told me because WQ is good friends with my cousin who got the scoop for me. LOL but still I never told him I knew and he volunteered to tell me without me asking. he could have told me anything but he told me the truth (or at least the truth about getting his ex knocked up)

3) he's a cutie pie and we are very compatible in a strange way... our first phone convo was over 3 hours... and there is just this comfort level that we have that usually would take a long time to achieve.

so I am gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. I got my eyeballs peeled open though because I am not a sucka! I want to believe the best but part of me does feel like a re-re for even giving him a chance. but I am giving him a chance. we'll see how it plays out...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dating can be brutal if you don’t fall within the standards and it will be exciting if a society accepts it. According to me there shouldn’t be any comparison in tall women short men.