Monday, November 24, 2008


so i know it's been a while... sorry for the delay. i have been very busy as usual. so first let me update you on the miss new booty sessions! so i've been working out for about 6 weeks now. i missed one week out of the six so i technically have worked out twice a week for 5 weeks with my trainer. sooo i don't see a huge difference but i do feel the difference. i do have more energy and i am definitely stronger. my jeans fit better. i can see my thighs have slimmed and my waist has slimmed some. my upper arms have slimmed some. my workouts have gotten harder but i am able to sustain them... i don't get as sore as i used too. so all in all i feel better. i have been cheating on the meal plan though. i can't even lie... lol. not cheating terribly but enough to slow the progress down. i have to get serious though.

in other news... chris is back in nj as i'm sure you all already know. i really like having him around. he is my snuggle muffin! LOL! he got to experience his first family gathering at our annual pre-thanksgiving get together. The saturday before Thanksgiving, my roommate and i, have a thanksgiving get together at our place for our families. we do this since people always have so much to do ont hanksgiving and people sometimes feel torn as to whose house to go to or they are rushing trying to make all invites. my little apartment was completely packed with people and kids. it was loud and ridiculous but so much fun. i have not laughed so hard in a long time. we ate and talked and laughed and played taboo. taboo was ridiculous... the kids played dance dance revlution on my wii... it was good times. so my turkey day plans are pretty much to go down to my parents house and relax. i have to work friday then shopping shopping shopping all weekend!!

i'll see if i can post more later... like how chris almost killed us driving home from philly on thursday! LOL! he left that part out of his "the bridge is over" post....


Nina said...


nice to see you blogging and i felt so guilty eating my doodle o's while reading about your ms new booty regimen. lol

and why do we ladies call our men stuff with muffin on the end? probably because muffins are

aussie calls me love muffin. i call him stud muffin...

anyway...happy turkey day!!!

Chris said...

We so didn't almost was fun though.