Tuesday, September 09, 2008


so this morning, i am watching the news, getting ready to start my day and i see this craziness...
some dude on a train got attacked by another dude with a hammer... for no apparent reason. this is so bizarre on so many levels. the attack happens about a minute into the video

i want to know if that was the attacker's child that was with him? what makes someone haul off and beat someone with a hammer? did he want the seat for him and his kid? who took the kid when he got off the train beatin the mess out that other dude? why did none of them grown ass men on the train even try to help. at least restrain dude? i honestly don't know how i would have re-acted if i was a passenger on that train when the attack happened? i mean... i definitely wouldn't have been able to do anything physically but i just don't know. i find this extremely disturbing. i really need to know what provoked him. the kid looked like he was falling asleep... was he snoring? does the dude know him from somewhere else? i dunno but here is the news interview with the dude that was attacked.

what would you have done?


Chris said...

Honestly...I would've run away...I'm straight. That's why I stopped taking public transportation.

Janelle said...

How about here in Cali some guy broke into this other guys apartment and rubbed spices on him and hit him with a sausage!!! WTF?! Crazy!

Nina said...

omg! that is crazy.


i would've run too. but called the cops.

omg. gruesome.