Friday, June 03, 2005

Random Thoughts on a Rainy Day...

yes I'm blogging again because I stayed home today and I feel like it mutha effas! so I was in da hood at the local Rita's getting a water ice (is water ice a philly thing??) when I noticed the store next door to the ritas had the craziest sign ever in the window. It said "NO T-SHIRTS, NO SNIKERS, NO SERVICE". oh yeah and that they accept WIC and families first cards. What the frig is a sniker?? I took a pic but hotmail is messing up so I'll post it once I work that out. Anyway what's worse than the sign is the fact that no one, including myself, bothered to tell the people who own it that SNEAKERS and SNIKERS are not one and the same. My lil sis who was with me at the time said she was going to go in there bare foot and see what they say and then argue with them about snikers.

I passed my fiber optics test with a 94! Holla at your fiber optics tech! so now I am taking a spanish course offered by vz just because I have nothing better to do with my time and it's free.

First Fridays is gonna be whack tonight so I'm not going. I did want to go out since I am getting cabin fever from being in the house for three days straight... but I guess not.

oh here is a random pic I came across of me and my cousin before going to a first friday's a few months ago... just increasing my desire to go out. booooo I look extra asian... like I have no eye slits whatsoever! HAAA!
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okay so I think it is time for an update on this situation... So this has been going on for about a month now and quite frankly, I've had enough of the drama. Long story short there has just been on going he said she said and high school type drama. That was so not my intentions in telling him what was going on. My intention was simply for him (we'll call him Nino) to check his broad and tell her to keep their personal business at home. I don't even understand how it blew up into this whole big soap opera. so anyway Nino tells me that his wife has my home phone number and will be calling me at some time during the week and then asks me to please not black on her because she just wants to know my side of the story. Of course I was like WHAT THE EFF... I don't want this bitch calling my house with this nonsense so I did me and called the biatch at her desk like what. She sounded shocked as hell to hear from me because we do not know each other and have never really met so I guess she thought she was gonna catch me off guard calling me at home. But she does not know who she is dealing with and as I will never go out like a chump, I took that ish into my own hands and called her first. so what does she do when I call her? she says she'll call me right back and calls me with Nino on the phone. I don't know why he needed to be on the phone for me to talk to her woman to woman but whatever I'll say what I got to say regardless of who is on the phone. So I pretty much told her what it is that I heard and yes it came from her so-called best friend and she needs to stop calling everybody with the drama. I told her if she needed anything else to call me directly cuz I'm not lying on anybody. so WP was saying that she's been friends with the bird who is her best friend for 25 years and it's hard for her to believe that she would do something like that to her. So I pretty much told her that I understand and that she can believe whatever she wants to believe because my whole point in telling Nino was for them to get their shit out the streets. and if it was me I would want to know. Now I do have to give credit where credit is due... although I do still thinkWP is a clucker, she really did come at me on some humble type shit... all apologetic and what not so I couldn't really come off on her like I wanted to without seeming extra and beat. Basically I just said what I had to say and that was that. Nino was on the phone but didn't really say much other than that they appreciate me letting them know and blah blah blah. so hopefully all of this is behind us now and we can move on like adults. hopefully WP Clucker has learned her lesson about opening her mutha-effin mouth and hopefully Nino learned how to man up and handle his ish.